Alexander is a Montreal-based writer, editor and researcher.
He’s an experienced lead writer and managing editor. He’s worked freelance and through small agencies since 2011, primarily among e-commerce, technology and wellness startups.
Prior to that, he worked in-house in Montreal as a marketing analyst and web content writer for several mid-size local businesses.
He’s recently concluded a three-year lecturing contract with Concordia University and pushed his PhD to the dissertation writing phase. He’s looking (hoping) to complete that in his spare time by the end of 2020.
He was also the Editor in Chief of the peer-reviewed academic journal JRC for three years, reviving the near-defunct publication into a twice-annual print edition.
He’s enamored with the Chicago Manual of Style and there’s been confirmed sightings of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style in his bed chambers.
He was recently married (in India, no less) and he has an powerful fondness for small felines.
He also writes short fiction and screenplays, some of which have been published (and purchased) and made the festival rounds.